Programs are translated into Instruction Set Architecture Level - machine language or assembly language. It is easy to maintain when programs are short and well documented. The executable code runs very quickly.

Final Assignment for Assembly Language

TITLE Assignment8 (Assignment8_main.asm)

; This program inputs multiple characters from the user,
; stores them in the arrays, compares the two arrays,
; and displays the result.
; Author: Francis Nguyen
; Date Created: 12/3/2010
; Last Modification Date: 12/3/2010

; Uses Invoke to access Invokeal procedures

; modify Count to change the size of the array:
Count = 3

equal BYTE "The two arrays are equal.",0
notEqual BYTE "The two arrays are not equal.",0
str1 BYTE "Please enter 3 characters for the first array: ",0
str2 BYTE "Please enter 3 characters for the second array: ",0
strA BYTE "Array A:",0
strB BYTE "Array B:",0
arrayA DWORD Count DUP(?)
arrayB DWORD Count DUP(?)

main PROC
 call Clrscr

 INVOKE PromptA,
  ADDR str1,
  ADDR arrayA

 INVOKE PromptB,
  ADDR str2,
  ADDR arrayB
 call Crlf

 INVOKE DisplayA,
  ADDR strA,
  ADDR arrayA
 call Crlf

 INVOKE DisplayB,
  ADDR strB,
  ADDR arrayB
 call Crlf

 INVOKE Compare,
  ADDR arrayA,
  ADDR arrayB,
  ADDR equal,
  ADDR notEqual
 call Crlf
main ENDP
END main

; Include file for the Assignment 8 Program (


PromptA PROTO,
 ptrPrompt:PTR BYTE, ; prompt string
 arraySize:DWORD, ; size of the array
 ptrArray:PTR DWORD ; points to the array

PromptB PROTO,
 ptrPrompt:PTR BYTE, ; prompt string
 arraySize:DWORD, ; size of the array
 ptrArray:PTR DWORD ; points to the array

DisplayA PROTO,
 ptrPrompt:PTR BYTE, ; prompt string
 arraySize:DWORD, ; size of the array
 ptrArray:PTR DWORD ; points to the array
DisplayB PROTO,
 ptrPrompt:PTR BYTE, ; prompt string
 arraySize:DWORD, ; size of the array
 ptrArray:PTR DWORD ; points to the array

Compare PROTO,
 arraySize:DWORD, ; size of the array
 ptrArrayA:PTR DWORD, ; points to the array
 ptrArrayB:PTR DWORD, ; points to the array
 ptrPromptEqual:PTR BYTE, ; prompt string
 ptrPromptNotEqual:PTR BYTE ; prompt string

TITLE PromptA (_promptA.asm)

; Author: Francis Nguyen
; Date Created: 12/3/2010
; Last Modification Date: 12/3/2010

PromptA PROC,
 ptrPrompt:PTR BYTE, ; prompt string
 arraySize:DWORD, ; size of the array
 ptrArray:PTR DWORD ; points to the array
; Prompts the user for an arrayA of characters and fills
; the array with the user's input.
; Receives:
;  ptrPrompt:PTR BYTE ; prompt string
;  arraySize:DWORD ; size of the array
;  ptrArray:PTR DWORD ; pointer to array
; Returns: nothing
 mov ecx,arraySize
 mov edx,ptrPrompt ; address of the prompt
 mov esi,ptrArray
 call WriteString ; display string
 call Crlf
  call ReadChar ; read character into EAX
  mov [esi],eax ; store in arrayA
  add esi,TYPE DWORD ; next character
  loop L1
PromptA ENDP

TITLE PromptB (_promptB.asm)

; Author: Francis Nguyen
; Date Created: 12/3/2010
; Last Modification Date: 12/3/2010

PromptB PROC,
 ptrPrompt:PTR BYTE, ; prompt string
 arraySize:DWORD, ; size of the array
 ptrArray:PTR DWORD ; points to the array
; Prompts the user for an arrayB of characters and fills
; the array with the user's input.
; Receives:
;  ptrPrompt:PTR BYTE ; prompt string
;  arraySize:DWORD ; size of the array
;  ptrArray:PTR DWORD ; pointer to array
; Returns: nothing
 mov ecx,arraySize
 mov edx,ptrPrompt ; address of the prompt
 mov esi,ptrArray
 call WriteString ; display string
 call Crlf
  call ReadChar ; read character into EAX
  mov [esi],eax ; store in arrayB
  add esi,TYPE DWORD ; next character
  loop L1
PromptB ENDP

TITLE DisplayA (_displayA.asm)

; Author: Francis Nguyen
; Date Created: 12/3/2010
; Last Modification Date: 12/3/2010

DisplayA PROC,
 ptrPrompt:PTR BYTE, ; prompt string
 arraySize:DWORD, ; size of the array
 ptrArray:PTR DWORD ; points to the array
; Displays the arrayA on the console.
; Receives:
;  ptrPrompt ; prompt string
;  arraySize ; size of array (DWORD)
;  ptrArray ; pointer to array
; Returns: EAX = arrayA
 mov esi,ptrArray
 mov ecx,arraySize
 mov edx,ptrPrompt ; address of the prompt
 call WriteString ; display string
 call Crlf
  mov eax,[esi]
  call WriteChar ; display EAX
  call Crlf
  add esi,TYPE DWORD
  loop L1
DisplayA ENDP

TITLE DisplayB (_displayB.asm)

; Author: Francis Nguyen
; Date Created: 12/3/2010
; Last Modification Date: 12/3/2010

DisplayB PROC,
 ptrPrompt:PTR BYTE, ; prompt string
 arraySize:DWORD, ; size of the array
 ptrArray:PTR DWORD ; points to the array
; Displays the arrayB on the console.
; Receives:
;  ptrPrompt ; prompt string
;  arraySize ; size of array (DWORD)
;  ptrArray ; pointer to array
; Returns: EAX = arrayB
 mov esi,ptrArray
 mov ecx,arraySize
 mov edx,ptrPrompt ; address of the prompt
 call WriteString ; display string
 call Crlf
  mov eax,[esi]
  call WriteChar ; display EAX
  call Crlf
  add esi,TYPE DWORD
  loop L1
DisplayB ENDP

TITLE Compare (_compare.asm)

; Author: Francis Nguyen
; Date Created: 12/3/2010
; Last Modification Date: 12/3/2010

Compare PROC,
 arraySize:DWORD, ; size of the array
 ptrArrayA:PTR DWORD, ; points to the array
 ptrArrayB:PTR DWORD, ; points to the array
 ptrPromptEqual:PTR BYTE, ; prompt string
 ptrPromptNotEqual:PTR BYTE ; prompt string
; Compare the two arrays of 32-bit characters.

; Receives:
; arraySize ; size of array (DWORD)
;  ptrArrayA ; pointer to arrayA
;  ptrArrayB ; pointer to arrayB
;  ptrPromptEqual ; prompt equal string
;  ptrPromptNotEqual ; prompt notEqual string
 mov esi,ptrArrayA
 mov edi,ptrArrayB
 mov ecx,arraySize
 mov edx,0
  mov eax,[esi]
  mov ebx,[edi]
  .IF (eax == ebx)
   add edx, 1
  add esi,TYPE DWORD
  add edi,TYPE DWORD
  loop L1

 mov ecx,arraySize

 .IF (edx == ecx)
  mov edx,ptrPromptEqual ; "The two arrays are equal."
  call WriteString; ; display message
  call Crlf ; go to next output line
  mov edx,ptrPromptNotEqual; "The two arrays are not equal."
  call WriteString; ; display message
  call Crlf ; go to next output line

;  mov eax,arrayA[esi]
;  mov eax,dword ptr arrayA[esi]
;  mov ebx,arrayB[edi]
;  mov ebx,dword ptr arrayB[edi]

;  cmp eax,ebx ; .IF (eax == ebx)
;  jne
;  add edx, 1

;  add esi,TYPE DWORD
;  loop L1
;mov ecx,CHAR_COUNT
;cmp edx,ecx ; .IF (edx == ecx)
;mov edx,OFFSET equal ; "The two arrays are equal."
;mov edx,offset equal
;call WriteString; ; display message
;call Crlf ; go to next output line

;jmp ; .ELSE
;mov edx,OFFSET notEqual ; "The two arrays are not equal."
;mov edx,offset notEqual
;call WriteString; ; display message
;call Crlf ; go to next output line
Compare ENDP

Please enter 3 characters for the first array:
Please enter 3 characters for the second array:

Array A:

Array B:

The two arrays are equal.

Press any key to continue . . .