Java is an object-oriented programming language. Objects can be used quite effectively to represent real-world entities. It makes it easier to solve problems, which is the point of writing a program in the first place. Most of the programs that I have done in computer classes are Java applications. I have converted some of them into Java applets. A Java applet is a Java program that is intended to be embedded into an HTML document, transported across a network, and executed using a Web browswer. If you cannot view these programs, it may be because your browser is not set up to process Java applets (the browser needs the Java plug-in). Click here to download Java plug-in.

  1. Black Jack (array set)

  2. The Front Runner (binary search tree)

    A binary search tree is a binary tree with the added property that, for each node, the left child is less than the parent, which is less than or equal to the right child. This program implements an ordered binary search tree to store data about runners in the Sunshine Marathon. ProgramFour class contains a main method. RunnerList class manages a binary tree of Runner objects, and Runner class implements a "Runner" object.

    Click here for the source code.

  3. Boolean Expression Evaluator (linked stack)

    Click here for the source code.

  4. Priority Queue (array heap)

    A priority queue is a collection that follows two ordering rules. First, items with higher priority go first. Second, items with the same priority use a first in, first out method to determine their ordering. Priority ques have a variety of applications (e.g., task scheduling in an operating system, traffic scheduling on a network, and even job scheduling).

    Click here for the source code.

  5. Calculator (linked stack)

    Stacks are used quite frequently in the computing world. A stack is a linear collection whose elements are added and removed from the same end. It is processed in a last in, first out (LIFO) manner. This program reads in an expression with spaces in between the tokens in infix notation. It converts the expression to postfix notation and displays the expression in postfix. It evaluates the postfix expression and displays the result.

    Click here for the source code.

  6. Inventory (linked list)

    A linked structure is a data structure that uses object reference variables to create links between objects. Linked structures are the primary alternative to an array-based implementation of a collection. If implemented carefully, the structure can be quite efficient to search and modify.

    Click here for the source code.

  7. Employee (array)

    We can use the predefined classes in the Java class library that are provided to us to make the process of writing programs easier or write our own classes to define our own objects. Defining classes represent objects with well-defined state and behavior. This program contains three classes. ProgramOne class contains a main method that reads data necessary to create an array of employee objects, displays a menu and obtains data necessary to process transactions on the array, and creates an updated text file before ending the program. EmployeeCollection class manages an array of Employee objects and Employee class models a basic Employee object for record keeping of the employee's data on weekly basis.
    Click here for the source code.
  8. Product (array)

    Arrays are programming constructs that group data into list. Arrays can store primitive types such as integers and characters. They can also store references to objects as elements. ProgTwo class contains a main method that creates, modifies, and examines a product collection and the Productcollection class contains an array of product objects representing the collection.
    Click here for the source code.
  9. Card Game

    Click here for the source code.
  10. Average Number of Letters

    This is a single class that contains a single main method. This class represents small but a complete program. This program often instantiated objects using predefined classes from the Java class library and used those objects for the services they provide.

    Click here for the source code.
  11. Begin With a Vowel

    Click here for the source code.
  12. Count Letters

    Click here for the source code.
  13. Count Words

    Click here for the source code.
  14. Leap Year

    Click here for the source code.
  15. Time Conversion

    Click here for the source code.

Java was recently updated to the lastest version, Java 7. This update introduced a new level of security that requires users to manage how and when web applets or applications run in your browser. This mean that to access some web applications, you need to set up some exceptions in Java Control Panel.

  • Open the Java in control panel.
  • Choose the Security tab.
  • Click on the Edit Site List button.
  • Click in the empty field under Location field to enter the URL:
  • Click OK to save the URL that you entered.

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